Hospital Aid

Hospital stays are expensive days.

If you’re ever been hospitalized, you know costs can rapidly spin out of control: room charges, medicine costs, doctor’s fees, laboratory tests, etc. You can’t help but worry that, with costs rising so fast, your savings (even with your current health coverage) may not be enough to afford a confinement today – much less tomorrow.

Plus of course, hospitalization is often more than just medical bills. Mortgage, education, utilities, car payments – all these still need to be paid, whether you’re in or out of the hospital. A sudden confinement could bring them all to a halt, unless you settle them with your hard-earned savings.

Recover quickly with Pioneer Life Hospital Aid.

Benefits are paid directly to you when you or your family members are hospitalized to accident or illness, for you to use as you wish. Look forward to a range of payments:

• P1,500 per day when hospitalized
(From day 1 to day 365 per confinement period)
• P3,000 per day when confined in the Intensive Care Unit
(From day 1 to day 31 per confinement period)
• P15, 000 surgeon’s fee. Maximum payment is according to the schedule of operations.

No Medical examination required to qualify.
We trust you to stay healthy.

Easy claims handling.
Other plans have complicated reimbursement schemes.
Here, it’s simple:
No. of days hospitalized x daily benefit = amount you collect
This is what makes payment so fast and hassle – free.

Pays in addition to other coverages.
Even better, the amount you collect cannot be reduced, no matter what other medical plans – whether private or government – you may already have.

Payment directly to you.
Other plans course payment through health providers: we settle directly with you.

Covers recurrent hospitalization.
You’re entitled to a total of 365 days of daily benefits for all confinements due to the same or related causes. A confinement separated by at least six consecutive months is considered a new confinement, entitling you to another 365 days of daily benefits.

Insure your family as well.
Increase your protection – by extending coverage to your spouse below 60 years old, and children. All eligible children (unmarried, from 3 months to 20 years old) may be insured.

Payment starts on the first day.
Other plans start payment only on the third day. This pays right away, on day 1 of confinement.

Maternity benefit is another option.
P1, 500 daily, up to 7 days. The mother must be continuously insured for 10 months before benefits can be availed of.

Important Information:

Hospital Aid does not cover any loss caused by:

1.Self-destruction or self inflicted injuries, war, service in the armed forces, congenital anomalies; cures or check-ups, nervous or mental disorders, drug addiction or alcoholism;
3.Pre-existing medical conditions, unless the insurance on the insured has been effective for 12 consecutive months. Pre-existing medical conditions are physical ailments for which a person has received medical treatment or advice prior to the effective data of coverage.