

You’re mid career, settled down, already financially stable.
Life’s turned out well.
You’re all set. Or are you?

You may think everything’s been taken care of. But a bread-winners sudden demise can still devastate a family – not just emotionally but financially. There are medical costs, mortgages, estate taxes, possible liquidation losses. They may be forced to live less comfortably, become dependent on relatives, stop schooling or even lose the house they live in. So much you’ve worked for, come to nothing.

Why let this happen? Especially when it’s easy to avoid. With a little advance planning you can still provide for your family’s needs – just as you always have. And you’ll have the assurance of knowing that whatever happens to you, your loved ones will have the resources to keep on living and pursue their dreams.

With Pioneer Life Advantage, you’ll have:

•An affordable choice
Advantage is designed to provide maximum death benefits, even during the early years: attractive cover, and at rates more affordable than many other endowments and whole – life plans. Plan well, and you can even use it to shield your estate from garnishment or heavy taxes. It’s a simple yet flexible way to make sure your family will always have the security they need.

•Choice of payment periods
With Advantage, you can spread payments over five years, 10 years, even until age 99.

•Dividend Earnings
Over the years, your Advantage policy will earn dividends. You can withdraw these at different points in time – but leave them in, and you’ll se your dividends grow at a compound rate, leaving a much bigger amount for your loved ones.

•Available in pesos or US dollars
Choose pesos for convenience, US dollars for long-term value. It’s up to you.

•Living Care benefit
In case of terminal illness before age 65, you can advance up to 50% of your policy amount. This way, you can use your money when it’s needed – and spare your family from crippling, long-drawn-out medical costs.

•Different riders to customize your policy
Your Financial Adviser can recommend a range of riders as they apply to your policy:

•Policy Fund Rider
•Term Rider
•Disability Waiver of Premium Benefit
•Accidental Death Benefit or Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit
•Critical Illness Benefit
•Payor’s Death Benefit or Payor’s Death & Disability Benefit
There’s one more thing: because Advantage comes to you from Pioneer life, you know your family’s security rests on sound resources. So you can make the most of life, and savor your best years – confident that, whatever happens, it’s all taken care of.